Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Creme header-horz
Generation 1 ~ Chapter 3

He’s great grandma, really.  Of course.  All right, well I’ll meet you tomorrow at the airport.  I love you, bye.  I hung up the phone and picked my brush back up.  I definitely needed to finish this painting tonight or it wouldn’t be done for my grandparents.  If I had only had more warning.  I frowned at the last brush stroke.  I needed to focus if this painting was going to be great.


Just as I was putting the finishing touches on my grandparents painting, my doorbell rang.  I lay down my brushes with a smile.  Just like him to not call ahead I thought as I opened the door.  You know it’s….My voice trailed off as I realized that it was not Moss.  What do you want?  I spat  “I…I just wanted to talk Sugar.  Please?  Stepping back from the door, I waved him in. Let’s get this over with.


“Look, I know I should have called first.  But I knew you wouldn’t talk to me.”  Obviously. I hissed. “Don’t you understand that I love you?  I’ll do anything, say anything.  We can’t be over.”  His pleading grated at my nerves and my anger came spewing out.  You cheated on me.  You lied to me.  AND you broke my heart.  Am I missing anything?  I crossed my arms in anticipation of whatever pathetic excuse he had this time.  “I can’t live without you.  Sugar?”  He started towards me and I turned away, to angry to even look at him.  “Sugar”  This time, his voice was a whisper in my ear, a breath on my neck and a chill up my spine.  “We were great together.  I know you remember it.”  Taking advantage of the silence that followed, his hands slowly crept up my arms and his lips replaced his warm breath on my neck.  His hands began kneeding at my shoulders and I dropped my head.  I did remember those times, but I also remembered the cheating.


I reached up and took his hands off my shoulders before turning around.  You should leave.  I stated bluntly.  “Baby, I missed you so much.”  His words were a whisper as he gently pressed me against the wall.  Look, I’m not interested. I turned my head to reinforce my disinterest, but instead he grabbed my face and began to kiss me.  And for a moment I was lost in my past.


I closed my eyes in an attempt to gain my bearings.  Stop. I said as I attempted to push him away.  “Sugar, come on.  Are you worried about that other guy?  What’s his name? Floss? I rolled my eyes.  You are so childish.  Would you just get off of me?    His body persisted to press against mine as I attempted once more to push him away.  “I won’t give you up that easily Sugar”  He demanded as he pushed back again.  Get off me you Berryhole I screamed.  Suddenly my door flew open and Moss came storming in.


Felix stumbled backwards as Moss advanced towards him.  I was frozen in place as the scene unfolded in front of me like a movie.  Moss’s presence was so demanding.  “Don’t ever come near her again”  Moss growled as he held him against the wall.  “Ever!  Now get the berry out of here.”  With one last glaring look my way, Felix stumbled out the door.  Moss ran his fingers through his hair before making his way towards me.  I made no objection as he placed his hands on the wall above my head and pressed his forehead into mine.


We stood there for what seemed like forever, breathing in the cool night air from the forgotten front door.  “I love you….so much” he sighed.  I love you to I whispered back.  Moss pulled me up into his arms and kissed me as we made our way to the bedroom.


Our first night together was full of passion and tenderness.  He was everything I’d ever wanted.  I felt a connection with him that was stronger than any emotion I’d ever felt.  The beep of my alarm startled me out of my daydream and I jumped up to turn it off before it woke up Moss.  Oh well, it was time to get up anyway.  I grabbed my robe off the closet door and made my way to the bathroom.  “Where are you going?”  Sorry I woke you up.  I’ve got to take a shower and get ready so I can pick up my grandparents at the airport.  I called back to him as I walked to the bathroom.  “Mind if I come along?”  Sure, why not!  You’re coming to lunch to, right? I closed the door to the shower and stuck my head under the shower head, luxeriating in the steaming water.  “I’d love to go with you to the airport and lunch, but I was talking about the shower.”  Moss smiled as he stood at the door of the shower.  Just what kind of girl do you think I am? I laughed as I half heartedly attempted to close the door.  “My kinda girl” He said closing the door behind him.


“Are you sure I look alright?” Moss asked as he nervously shifter his feet.  You look fine, what are you so worried about?  Moss had asked no less than 20 times if he looked ok.  It was adorable how much he cared what my grandparents thought of him, but it was starting to get old.  “I just don’t want them to think that I’m some musician that’s only after one thing” he ran his fingers through his hair as he tended to do when he was stressed out or nervous.  But you ARE a musician.  I replied with a laugh.  And I’m pretty sure you were after one thing last night. “I know I’m a musician, I just don’t want to look like one.  Also, I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the only one that was after that.  I glanced over at his tense face before turning back to the gate.  There they are!


“So Moss, how long have you lived on the island?”  My grandmother was always the one asking questions.  She wanted to know everything about everyone.  Thought not in a judging or I’m better than you way.  More the genuine, I’d like to get to know you way.  “A couple years actually.  I moved here because of it’s proximity to Honeywood and all the music labels.”  He explained about his band and some of the places he had played before adding “Sugar has even worked on some potential cover art for my album.”  Moss placed his napkin back on the table.  “Should it ever get finished that is.”  My grandmother sighed and picked up her tea.  “Well Moss, you certainly seem to have everything figured out.  I only wish we could stay in town longer, so that we could see you perform.”  It’s fine grandma  I’m just glas you were able to have lunch with us.  “Perhaps after the business is sold we can take a extended visit.” My grandfather added as he patted my hand.  I smiled at my grandfather as the conversation turned to guitars. 


The rest of the lunch went pretty quickly and before I knew it my grandparents were saying their goodbyes as we dropped them off at the airport.  “Take care of our girl.” My grandfather said as he shook Moss’s hand. “Yes sir.”


That night we lay in bed talking for what seemed like forever.  And as I was about to fall asleep Moss whispered “Marry Me”



  1. <3 <3 <3 love, love, love!!! lol I want moree :)

  2. Next chapter please :) Loved it!

  3. @Rachel ~ Thank you so much! More is definately on the way. I love these two.

    @Serendipity ~ I started working on pictures for the next chapter this afternoon. Thanks for reading!

  4. Just started reading and absolutely love this so far! :) Can't wait to read more :)

  5. @Caramalizedrainbowcy. Thank you so much!I just got caught up to the present chapter in your story and wow!
